Category: Aviation News

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up October 2023

October was a month in which the global aviation industry continued to grapple with ongoing challenges relating to demand and capacity, labor shortages, new aircraft production delays, and geopolitical tensions. The industry, however, is motivated and proactively seeking a range of solutions to improve its operations. Find out more in our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up September 2023

In September, the aviation industry saw significant progress. Low-cost carriers, currently responsible for one-third of global scheduled flights, continue to grow. Air cargo carriers appeared to have entered a positive trajectory with declining losses and rising airfreight rates. Airports are also expanding their sustainability efforts. Read more in our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up June 2023

Aviation is currently experiencing many new and exciting developments. Low-cost carriers (LCCs) are gaining ground and now make up almost one third of global airline capacity. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being adopted across different areas within aviation to improve efficiency and reduce staff workload. Additionally, the industry is placing greater emphasis on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) to address workforce shortages. For more, read our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up May 2023

The previous month brought positive developments on different fronts. OAG´s list of the busiest international airports confirms an increase in global air traffic. Airline customers are also revealing their preferences for digital options when it comes to customer service. Additionally, IATA outlined new priorities for ground handlers to gain greater resilience. More news here.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up April 2023

We closed out the first quarter with mixed results for the aviation industry. ACI reported significant achievements by airports toward net zero emissions goals. On the other hand, airlines continue to struggle with aircraft turnarounds as travel volumes increase. Air cargo volumes are still making news, especially after the publication of the world’s top 10 busiest airports ranking in cargo handling for 2022. Read this article for more news.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up March 2023

Pandemic-related challenges seem starting to diminish. However, the aviation industry, like others, is being impacted by current economic conditions. In particular, global goods trade has been affected by troubled economies across the globe. On the bright side, airports are hitting their stride with many now operating at pre-pandemic traffic volumes. For more, read our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up February 2023

February proved that the aviation sector continues to evolve in response to market conditions. For air cargo operators, the month ushered in new concerns over stricter screening rules imposed by the Certified Cargo Standard Security Screening Program (CCSSSP). All of this is occurring as the Asia Pacific and Middle East regions proved to have the busiest airline routes in February. Read this and more news in our monthly wrap-up.

Aviation News

Aviation Wrap-Up January 2023

There is a lot for the aviation industry to be optimistic about as we wrap up the first month of 2023. We are already seeing a pronounced return to pre-pandemic levels for global aviation activity. In addition, many airlines are experiencing improved on-time performance with some airlines leading the pack on punctuality. Read this and more news in our monthly wrap-up.